Saturday, December 5, 2020

Reminiscing About Home: AKA Morocco

People often ask me if I miss my home of Morocco. At first, when I moved here to Venice to pursue my military career, I certainly missed home. And there are aspects of Morocco that I really do miss still. We used to go to Al Hoceima every summer when I was a child. It is the most beautiful beach lined by huge cliffs right on the Mediterranean Sea (Travel Channel). Al Hoceima is a great little secret spot in Morocco, I wonder if one day it will become a vacation destination. I know I want to go back there.

Image by Alvaro Leiva/ Getty Images

I think the biggest thing that took getting used to was being around so many people of a different race. It was certainly a culture shock at first going from a place where everyone was like me, to a place where I stood out in a crowd just because my skin color is different. However, Venice has given me a fantastic opportunity within the army and as a general I am in a powerful position, one that I would never have been able to achieve in Morocco. I command the army of Venice! What more could a Moor ask for! Truly, it has been a blessing, but just like anyone else, I do feel homesick from time to time. It’s only natural.

Works Cited

Leiva, Alvaro. “Al Hoceima.” Lonely Planet,

“Morocco's Most Exotic Beaches.” Travel Channel,  

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