Saturday, December 5, 2020

New Lieutenant: Iago or Cassio

    Iago                         Vs.                      Cassio

    Iago Image from Villians Wiki                                Cassio Image by Richard James Lane

Wow, do I have a tough decision to make. As the General of the Armies I was just told earlier today that I have to appoint a lieutenant. We are at war with the Ottoman Empire, I need someone that I can truly rely on. For me, it is between two men. Michael Cassio or Iago. I have worked with both for many years. Iago has been with me for so long. However, I have seen the way that Cassio fights in the field. He does not have the same experience as Iago in terms of years, but Cassio fights with a passion necessary out of a lieutenant.  

The easy choice, the one that would not upset anyone and is almost expected, is Iago. And I truly believe he would do a great job in the role. Cassio is a bit of a risk. If it does not work out, that’s on me. It could be political suicide to appoint someone like Michael Cassio. The way he fights in the field though! He fights that way on his own, imagine how he could inspire soldiers under his own command! Glory for Venice! My decision is made. It must be Michael Cassio! I hope there are no hard feelings with Iago. I am sure he will understand.

Works Cited

Iago. Villians Wiki,

Lane, Richard James. “Cassio.” National Portrait Gallery,

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